Stilo Hair & Co. has joined the Sustainable Salons program!

What is
Sustainable Salons?
Sustainable Salons is a social enterprise that helps its salon members reduce their impact on the planet and invest in local communities.
This means that instead of all our tinfoil, bottles and hair ending up in landfill, they are being repurposed to help the wider community!
The Sustainable Salons Program

All the proceeds gained from recycling our metals will be donated to not-for-profit community based organisations that do a killer job helping humanity.

Sustainable Salons collects all plastic product bottles, packaging and bags are recycled into outdoor furniture and underground sheeting to protect the NBN.

It’s no secret that all salons have excess chemicals! Sustainable Salons collects all excess chemical waste from us and sends it to chemical recycling plants to be neutralised and turned

Cut off hair will support charitable causes such as oil spill clean-up projects and local community gardens.

Once our tools reach their end life, they will be broken down and all valuable parts will be repurposed.
“Sustainability itself is only achieved when People, Planet and Progress are equally involved in the mission.”
Pail Frasca & Ewelina Soroko,
Sustainable Salons Founders
Donate a ponytail
Your new look could mean a new life for someone in need.
Either visit us here at Stilo to get your ponytails cut by a trained professional, or visit your regular salon and take a printed copy of the ponytail donation kit.
Once you’ve cut your ponytails, please send them to*:
Sustainable Salons Ponytails, EcoMatters Environment Trust
PO BOX 15215, New Lynn, Auckland 0640
*NB: Sustainable Salons are currently approaching several charitable organisations in New Zealand about ponytail donations, in the meantime all Kiwi ponytails are being stored for the future.